Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Avgaxi" It's not a real word.

In an effort to combine my two favorite interests (cats and wizardry) I used my "Amateur Wizard Potionary Set" on my cat and created the ultimate pet. The wizard cat. This cat is a level 12 wizard with the ability to cry little kitten tears whenever I throw it in the neighbors swimming pool. (Strictly for scientific/wizrardly purposes of course) Also she (cause all cats are female, I'm surprised you didn't know that) can climb trees. But only tiny trees because I had her declawed . A surprising number of people erroneously believe that I hate cat's. That would be untrue. I love cat's and if Alf hadn't made it cliche' to eat cats I would prove my love by eating at least 3 of them. Mmmmm cat's.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Art !!!!!1

For those of you that were interested in seeing how my artistic abilities have progressed over the years I've decided to post a retrospective. From age 6 to the present.

Obviously my abilities have become more complex and a certain dangerous sensuality has been added to the subject matter.