Saturday, February 16, 2008

This is so livin !

I'm a single dude at home on a Saturday night blogging on my computer. For most people that would be considered a sad turn of events. It might even be perceived as a bit "nerdy" or "lame" or "creepy". Those people would be absolutely right, especially since I haven't shaved in over a week and believe me it's not one of those sexy Sawyer from "Lost" beards either. But one thing we can't forget is I have not yet purchased a ferret or a giant iguana and I have not yet grown a ponytail. So all hope is not lost. There is still the possibility I can pull out of this and become monumentaly cool and the envy of all my married friends and or family. Right now I am fighting the urge to go out and rent all seasons of "Star Trek deep Space 9" and if I am able to resist, that should be considered an accomplishment in its own right. So choke on that causality ! Damn it I just quoted a cartoon. Well one step forward something something something....


Beth said...

best clip-art ever.
now with added smoldering sexuality. well-played ferret, well-played.
the cj

David G. Filhart (a.k.a. the Davey Baby) said...

hang tough jon boy, hang tough